United farm workers strike
United farm workers strike

While the UFW in the past denounced the undocumented worker for hindering their unionization, they have since changed their stand and now support undocumented workers and decry their exploitation by employers. Cardenas says that the UFW was particularly successful at attracting a broad base of support because they were well-trained organizers willing to travel throughout the country to seek allies. Cardenas explains that the UFW was the most aggressive and revolutionary social movement of the 1960s and 70s because using only nonviolent strategies they were able to ally with various groups and fight successfully against a politically and financially powerful agribusiness elite. In this pursuit, they ultimately organized a successful nationwide grape boycott. Although farm workers have been organizing since the turn of the century, they only entered the national spotlight in the 1960s with the United Farm Workers strike in Delano, California where Filipino and Chicano workers demanded recognition of their union, better wages and improved living and working conditions. Gilberto Cardenas discusses the organizing efforts of the United Farm Workers (UFW). Your browser does not support the audio element.ĭr.

United farm workers strike